36-year-old female who complained of asymmetry and droopiness of her breasts. Breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. Photos show 15 months post-op results. L: 415cc R: 450cc
29-year-old Asian female who desired breast augmentation and mastopexies. Breast augmentation with 365cc silicone implants and mastopexies were performed. Photos show 1.5 years post-op results.
41-year-old woman complained of droopiness and desired more fullness. She had breast augmentation with mastopexies. Photos show 1 year post op results. R/L: 200cc
36-year-old female who desired larger, fuller breasts after having 2 children. She had significant asymmetry. Breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. A 450cc silicone implant was used on the right side and a 415cc silicone implant was used on the left side. Photos are at 1 year post-op.
36-year-old female who desired larger, fuller breasts after having 2 children. She had significant asymmetry. Breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. A 450cc silicone implant was used on the right side and a 415cc silicone implant was used on the left side. Photos are at 1 year post-op.
38-year-old female who has had 4 children complained of a loss of breast fullness as well as breast asymmetry. A breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. Submuscular saline implants, 300cc filled to 325cc on each side. Photos show 1 year post op.
33-year-old female who complained of a loss of breast fullness after pregnancy. A breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. Submuscular saline implants, high profile, 380cc filled to 460cc on right, 380cc filled to 450cc on left. Photos show 2 years post op.
31-year-old female who complained of breast droopiness and desired larger, fuller breasts. Breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. Submuscular silicone implants, 605 cc on each side. Photos show 6 months post-op.
29-year-old female with 2 children who complained of a loss of breast fullness and size. Breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. Submuscular saline implants, 275cc filled to 325cc on each side. Photos show 2 years post op.
27 year old female who complained of breast droopiness and desired larger, fuller breasts. Breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. Submuscular silicone implants, moderate plus, inframammory incisions, 450cc on each side. Photos show 6 months post op.
41 year old female who desired larger, fuller breasts. Breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. Submuscular silicone implants, high profile, inframammory incisions, 375cc on each side. Photos show 3 years post op.