42-year-old female who had breast augmentation about 20 years previosly. She complained of droopiness and wanted to be smaller in size. Mastopexies and implant replacement were performed. Photos show 1 year post-op results. R: 350cc L: 350cc
42-year-old female who had breast augmentation about 20 years previosly. She complained of droopiness and wanted to be smaller in size. Mastopexies and implant replacement were performed. Photos show 1 year post-op results. R: 350cc L: 350cc
32-year-old patient who had a prior breast augmentation who desired to improve breast shape after having 2 children. Implant replacement with mastopexy was performed. Submuscular, silicone implants, 485 cc on each side. Photos show 4 months post op.
32-year-old patient who had a prior breast augmentation who desired to improve breast shape after having 2 children. Implant replacement with mastopexy was performed. Submuscular, silicone implants, 485 cc on each side. Photos show 4 months post op.
44-year-old woman desired improvement of her breast shape. She had implant replacement with periareolar mastopexy. Photos show 2 years post op results. R/L: 295cc
39-year-old female who had breast surgery in the past and wished to replace her implants. A mastopexy with implant removal and replacement was performed. Submuscular saline implants, 300cc filled to 335cc on the right and 360cc on the left. Photos show 1 year post op.
56-year-old female who had a saline breast augmentation 20 years prior and wished to replace her implants with silicone. Implant replacement with tightening of the implant pockets was performed, 650cc on each side. Photos show 3 months post op.
56-year-old female who had a saline breast augmentation 20 years prior and wished to replace her implants with silicone. Implant replacement with tightening of the implant pockets was performed, 650cc on each side. Photos show 3 months post op.
29-year-old female who presented with breast asymmetry. Patient underwent breast reduction of the right breast with a fat transfer to the superior pole of the right and left breast. Photos show 1 year post op results.
36-year-old female who desired larger, fuller breasts after having 2 children. She had significant asymmetry. Breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. A 450cc silicone implant was used on the right side and a 415cc silicone implant was used on the left side. Photos are at 1 year post-op.
36-year-old female who desired larger, fuller breasts after having 2 children. She had significant asymmetry. Breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. A 450cc silicone implant was used on the right side and a 415cc silicone implant was used on the left side. Photos are at 1 year post-op.
47-year-old female who had breast augmentation several years prior and complained of breast droopiness and asymmetry. Implant replacement and mastopexy was perfomed. Submuscular saline implants, 375cc on each side. Photos show 1 year post op.
38-year-old female who had a saline breast augmentation 10 years prior and complained of contracture and asymmetry. Implant removal and replacement was perfomed. Submuscular silicone implants, 250cc filled to 260cc on each side. Photos show 4 months post op.
35-year-old female who had breast augmentation several years prior and desired larger implants. Implant removal and replacement was performed. Submuscular saline implants, 450cc filled to 515cc on each side. Photos show 5 months post op.