36-year-old female who complained of asymmetry and droopiness of her breasts. Breast augmentation with mastopexy was performed. Photos show 15 months post-op results. L: 415cc R: 450cc
42-year-old female who had breast augmentation about 20 years previosly. She complained of droopiness and wanted to be smaller in size. Mastopexies and implant replacement were performed. Photos show 1 year post-op results. R: 350cc L: 350cc
42-year-old female who had breast augmentation about 20 years previosly. She complained of droopiness and wanted to be smaller in size. Mastopexies and implant replacement were performed. Photos show 1 year post-op results. R: 350cc L: 350cc
31-year-old female with history of large breasts. Breast reduction was performed. Photos show 8 months post-op results.
44-year-old female who complained of droopiness of her breasts after having two children. Bilateral mastopexy was performed. Photos show 1 year post-op results.
29-year-old Asian female who desired breast augmentation and mastopexies. Breast augmentation with 365cc silicone implants and mastopexies were performed. Photos show 1.5 years post-op results.
45-year-old female who had two prio breast augmentation procedures. She desired Implant removal and mastopexies. Photos show 1 year post-op results.
28-year-old female who complained of droopy breasts. Mastopexy was performed. Photos show 15 months post-op results.
54-year-old female with history of large breasts. Breast reduction was performed. Photos show 1 year post-op results.
32-year-old patient who had a prior breast augmentation who desired to improve breast shape after having 2 children. Implant replacement with mastopexy was performed. Submuscular, silicone implants, 485 cc on each side. Photos show 4 months post op.
32-year-old patient who had a prior breast augmentation who desired to improve breast shape after having 2 children. Implant replacement with mastopexy was performed. Submuscular, silicone implants, 485 cc on each side. Photos show 4 months post op.
64-year-old patient who had a history of large breasts. Breast reduction was performed. Photos show 1 year post op.