Become a Brand New Man with Cosmetic Treatments Just for You

1dhvFXQV0iOvTT21Dl6jrxHQuHUNaAqgcx3lZ33QEYEWomen are not the only ones seeking cosmetic treatments today. Men are also discovering the benefits of both surgical and non-surgical treatments in regaining their youthful appearance and addressing issues that keep them from looking and feeling their best. At Umansky Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety of treatments just for men to fulfill a variety of aesthetic goals. Check out three of our most requested treatments to find the perfect procedure for you.

Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by enlarged breast tissue in men. For some, the problem can become very pronounced, with some men experiencing embarrassing growth and fullness in the chest area. At Umansky Plastic Surgery, we offer different types of gynecomastia treatment. Most often, this is laser-assisted liposuction (also known as SmartLipo). This outpatient procedure removes the fatty tissue from the breast area, to create a flatter, more masculine contour to the chest. In rare cases, skin also needs to be removed. Breast reduction is a permanent solution to gynecomastia, as long as a healthy weight is maintained after surgery.

Botox Injections

Women aren’t the only ones to be plagued by telltale signs of aging like frown lines and crow’s feet. Men also begin to show their age around the forehead, eyes, and eyebrows. Botox injections relax the facial muscles that create expressions that lead to these wrinkles, smoothing away creases without compromising your facial animation.

Botox injections are performed at Umansky Plastic Surgery by both Dr. William and Jeffrey Umansky, MD. Injections take just a few minutes to complete, and you can head back to work immediately after the procedure. Results of Botox are both subtle and gradual, so no one else will know you had the treatment unless you choose to tell them!

Laser Hair Removal

Excessive hair growth on the chest, shoulders, neck, or back can make many men feel self-conscious. Temporary methods like waxing or shaving can be painful and inconvenient. Laser hair removal is quickly gaining in popularity among men for long-lasting hair reduction. Since hairs on the body grow at different rates, laser hair removal is done as a series of treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Most men see dramatic clearance after just 3 sessions.

As more men discover the benefits of cosmetic treatments, more procedures are being developed with the specific needs of men in mind. At Umansky Plastic Surgery, we strive to provide a comfortable, professional environment for all of our patients, male and female alike. To learn more about our procedures for men, contact us at Umansky Plastic Surgery at 858-281-4560.