Celebrities have plenty of cosmetic secrets that help them look their best for red carpet events and other public appearances. However, you don’t have to be a star to learn these secrets and put them into practice. At Umansky Plastic Surgery, we have both surgical and non-surgical treatments that will give you the “star factor” for special occasions and big events. One of the most popular treatments today is a non-surgical body contouring procedure known as CoolSculpting.
What is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is a revolutionary method of fat reduction that uses targeted cooling to destroy fat cells and create a sleeker body contour. The procedure is non-invasive and takes just one hour to complete. Patients experience minimal, if any discomfort during the procedure and most actually read, answer emails or nap throughout the treatment.
Patients will begin to see results in the weeks following their CoolSculpting treatment, as the destroyed fat cells are gradually eliminated by the body. It is not unusual to schedule more than one treatment session to achieve full results. CoolSculpting can be used on larger areas like the hips, thighs and midsection. Thanks to the recent addition of smaller applicators, the procedure can also be used on areas like the chin and upper arms.
Get Ready for Your Next Big Event
Do you have a big event like a vacation or family reunion coming up this year? CoolSculpting may be just the ticket to slimming down some of those problem areas that have not responded well to diet and exercise. If you begin your treatments now, you will likely see significant results by the time summer and many of those occasions roll around. Increase your self-confidence on the beach or in a crowd of friends and family with the contouring results of CoolSculpting.
Getting into Your Favorite LBD
If your favorite little black dress has grown tighter in recent years, now is the time to restore your body to the right size. CoolSculpting can be the perfect solution for reducing circumference in areas like the abdomen, back and hips, where isolated deposits of fat often occur. In some cases, results will decrease circumference by enough to allow you to go down a clothing size. In addition, those focal fat bulges will be smoothed away so you can wear your form-fitting fashion with more confidence than ever before.
Is CoolSculpting the Right Choice for You?
CoolSculpting is designed for patients that have achieved a healthy weight but have isolated areas of fat that have not responded to diet and exercise. It is not a weight loss procedure and will not provide the dramatic results of a surgical procedure like liposuction or a tummy tuck. However, if you are looking to trim a few inches from those problem areas, CoolSculpting may be the right choice for you.
Results of CoolSculpting treatments take up to 12 weeks to become fully evident, as the treated fat cells are liquefied by the body and eliminated through the lymphatic system. If more than one treatment is required, those treatments are typically scheduled a number of weeks apart to allow time to see the full results of the first treatment session. This means that if you want to undergo CoolSculpting to prepare for a specific event or season, you need to begin your treatment sessions as soon as possible to achieve your full results in time.
CoolSculpting is one of the non-surgical procedures offered at Umansky Medical Center for Plastic Surgery. To learn more about this treatment, contact our office today at 858-281-4560.