Reduce those stubborn pockets of fat with a non-invasive, innovative procedure known as CoolSculpting. This treatment uses a cooling device to target fat cells, eliminating the fat without damaging surrounding skin and tissue. With little to no discomfort or downtime, it’s no wonder CoolSculpting is quickly gaining popularity as a go-to procedure for enhancing the body contour.
What is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that delivers cooling to the area targeted for treatment. The cooling process is FDA-approved and shown in studies to reduce up to 20% of fat in a single area in just one treatment. The procedure involves cryolipolysis, freezing fat cells, which results in the death of the cells and natural elimination by the body.
How does it Work?
CoolSculpting is performed in office. The CoolSculpting tool draws the fat cells between two cooling panels, cooling the selected tissue so that fat cells may be eliminated. The entire procedure typically takes about one hour to complete, depending on the size of the treatment area.
Does it Hurt?
Patients may feel some pressure in the treatment area, which can be uncomfortable at the beginning of the procedure. However, after the first few minutes, most patients find they can relax throughout the rest of the treatment. In fact, some people read a book, take a nap, use their ipad or listen to music during the treatments.
What about Results?
The results of CoolSculpting are typically seen within three weeks after the procedure. Results continue to improve over the next 1-3 months as pockets of fat will be visibly reduced. The results may last for many years, if proper diet and exercise are practiced daily.
What Types of Results will I See?
Results of CoolSculpting are relatively subtle, but you should notice a visible reduction of those fat pockets. Clothing may begin to fit better and people may start to ask if you have lost weight. Since your body will continue to flush fat cells over a number of months, your results will continue to improve for some time.
The best candidates for CoolSculpting are those who have achieved a healthy weight but still have stubborn pockets of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. The procedure offers subtle results that gradually improve over time. If you would like to learn more about the CoolSculpting procedure, contact our staff at the Umansky Plastic Surgery today.