Pelleve is the latest innovation in skin rejuvenation, giving you a fresher, more youthful appearance in what has been touted as the one of the most comfortable cosmetic treatments on the market today. It utilizes radiofrequency energy to tighten up the deeper layers of the skin. This procedure is now available at Umansky Plastic Surgery, offering our patients yet another option in anti-aging and skin enhancement. There are a number of issues and concerns Pelleve is designed to address.
Forehead and Brow Area
Pelleve is effective in restoring a youthful appearance to the upper portion of the face, smoothing away wrinkles and tightening skin to lift a drooping brow line. Hooding, excess skin that develops on the upper eyelid and gives the eyes a perpetually tired, aged look, can also be improved with Pelleve treatments. The smaller size of the device allows us to work in the smaller, more delicate areas of the face with precision not seen with other devices.
Eyes and Cheekbones
The lower eyes and cheekbone area are another location where the aging process can take a significant toll, with fine lines, puffy lower lids and sagging skin around the cheeks. Pelleve effectively addresses all of these aging signs, smoothing away crow’s feet that appear in the outer corners of the eyes and firming up the skin on the lower lid and cheekbone. For some patients, this procedure can take the place of injectable treatments like Botox and dermal fillers, with results that can last longer.
Midface and Mouth
The middle of the face tends to show the passing of time with deep facial creases that often form around the lower nose and mouth. These creases are typically a result of collagen loss underneath the skin’s surface that leads to loose, sagging skin. Pelleve tightens up the skin in this area as well, giving you a smoother look in the mid to lower portion of the face.
Jawline and Neck
The appearance of jowls along the jawline can be one of the most distressing signs of aging, asQ their appearance can make you look much older than you feel. In addition, loose skin along the neck can produce the “turkey neck”. Pelleve works especially well on this area, firming up skin along the jawline and around the neck to give you a more youthful facial profile.
Pelleve is an innovative skin treatment that uses gradient radiofrequency energy to work underneath the skin’s surface, firming and tightening skin. Drs. William and Jeffrey Umansky are pleased to announce the addition of Pelleve to their office, allowing their patients yet another option in q. To learn more about Pelleve, contact Umansky Plastic Surgery at 858-281-4560.